When an experimental space voyage goes awry, four people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards, inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend, Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, calling herself the Invisible Woman. Her younger brother Johnny Storm gains the ability to control fire, including covering his own body with flame, becoming the Human Torch. Pilot Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong rock creature calling himself Thing. Together, they use their unique powers to explore the strange aspects of the world, and to foil the evil plans of Doctor Doom.

Ο Μίστερ Φαντάστικ, η Αόρατη Γυναίκα, ο Πυρσός και το Πράγμα - αυτοί είναι οι Fantastic Four. Γνωρίστε τους σε μία φανταστική περιπέτεια με ανεπανάληπτα ειδικά εφέ! Εφευρέτης, αστροναύτης και επιστήμονας, ο Δρ. Ριντ Ρίτσαρντς όλη του τη ζωή είχε ένα όνειρο και τώρα έφτασε η στιγμή να το πραγματοποιήσει: ηγείται μιας διαστημικής έρευνας, στο επίκεντρο μιας κοσμικής καταιγίδας.

Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Michael Chiklis, Julian McMahon