Sea of Love is a sexy, atmospheric thriller, very much in the style of Alfred Hitchcock, with involving characters, steamy love scenes, and surprising plot twists. Frank Keller (Al Pacino), is a lonely, tired, disillusioned, police detective, who has a problem with alcohol. Frank is investigating a serial killer, whom he believes finds victims by using personal ads in magazines, killing them while playing the old record "Sea of Love." In a scene both amusing and touching, Frank and his partner, Sherman (John Goodman) --aided by Frank's father (William Hickey in a lovely cameo) place a personal ad, hoping to lure the killer. Helen Cruger (Ellen Barkin), a tough, sexy single mother answers the ad and begins an affair with Frank, despite the fact that she is one of the prime suspects in the case. The suspense builds as Frank, though deeply drawn to Helen, becomes more and more suspicious of her. In a splendidly crafted script from Richard Price, the plot is compelling, with plenty of action, terrific authentic dialogue and superb characterization. Ellen Barkin gives a marvelous performance as an independent, sensual and intriguing femme fatale;

O Frank Keller είναι ένας ντετέκτιβ της Νέας Υόρκης που βρίσκεται σε κρίση μέσης ηλικίας. Αν κι έχει ήδη κλείσει τα 20 χρόνια στο σώμα, αρνείται να βγει στη σύνταξη και σ’ αυτό ευθύνεται κυρίως ο γάμος του που κατέρρευσε.
Ερευνά μια υπόθεση που ο δολοφόνος κατά συρροή βρίσκει τα θύματά του από τις στήλες των εφημερίδων για ‘μοναχικές καρδιές’. Ο Frank ερωτεύεται τη Helen… μια από τους βασικούς υπόπτους για την υπόθεση.

Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin, John Goodman, Michael Rooker, John Spencer