Two Brothers offers a family-friendly epic as told through the eyes of its four-legged protagonists, who, in this case, are sibling tiger cubs Koumal and Sangha. Though a life in the jungles of French colonial Indochina circa the 1920s seemed certain, the cubs are separated shortly after their birth when the notorious hunter Aidan McRory (Guy Pearce) kills their father. Koumal is whisked away to a circus, where he is cruelly beaten into submission and forced to perform tricks to earn his keep. Sangha fares better at first -- he lands in the posh estate of a French government official who wants the big cat to serve as a companion for his lonely son, though a series of unforeseen circumstances ultimately finds Sangha in the hands of a man determined to turn him into an aggressive prizefighter. Understandably, neither tiger is happy with his arrangements, and both escape captivity in hopes of returning to the jungle.
Σε ένα ναό χαμένο στη ζούγκλα της Ασίας γεννιούνται δυο τιγράκια. Όταν ο πατέρας τους σκοτώνεται, αιχμαλωτίζονται. Το ένα οδηγείται σε τοπικό τσίρκο και το άλλο στη συλλογή του μονάρχη της περιοχής. Ένα χρόνο μετά τα δυο αδέρφια θα βρεθούν αντιμέτωπα σε μια αρένα, στην οποία πραγματοποιούνται τιγρομαχίες.
Guy Pearce, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Freddie Highmore, Oanh Nguyen, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu